What is myEportfolio?
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If you are accessing myEportfolio through this page for the first time you may need some guidance on how to make the most of the environment. myEportfolio has been designed to help you to keep teaching records for your own purposes (reflection and self development) and for formal purposes (supporting evidence for promotion applications or for the annual performance review).
The records are set out as a series of questions that are answered in the various modules in the teaching and learning hub. For example, the question "What makes a good teacher?" has a corresponding section in the module that explains what makes a good teacher. These questions also relate to the university's teaching performance expectations. For example, one of the university's expectations is that teachers will be "good" at what they do.
This means that completion of a record will provide you with reflections and evidence that directly relate to the university's performance expectations. For this reason we strongly recommend that you look at the corresponding modules so that you have a good idea of what is involved in meeting the university's performance expectations.
Download the eportfolio exemplar to view a completed ePortfolio record.