Contribution of scholarship, research and professional activities to teaching and learning
This activity area is concerned with reflective and scholarly teaching practice. We consider how reflection, critical evaluation and research into teaching and learning can help to improve your teaching practice, enhance student learning and help you to contribute to the body of educational theory and knowledge.
When completing your annual performance review, your continuation application or your promotion application you might want to use the criteria below to guide you in selecting specific examples of you have applied scholarship, research and other professional activities to your teaching. For example, specify your teaching philosophy or show an awareness of a body of knowledge in education.
The promotion criteria for this activity area are:
Satisfactory Enunciation of a teaching philosophy based on critical self-reflection. Awareness of body of knowledge and literature in the field of education, and ability to relate own teaching to that literature. | Merit Evidence of development of own philosophy of teaching, and teaching practice based on evidence from literature. Peer review of teaching and constructive critique against evidence-based criteria | Excellence Development of new theories, models or approaches based on reflections of own and others' teaching. Contributing to a culture of critical reflection on teaching within the institution. | Distinction Makes a significant contribution to the literature on reflective practice |
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