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What is CALM?

The CALM (Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind) website focuses on positive psychology - the science of looking at what makes people truly happy.

Students are able to download audio files that provide specific techniques to manage three sources of long lasting happiness:

  1. mental resilience,
  2. healthy relationships and
  3. finding meaning in life.

The website was initially developed for students in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences but 'by popular demand' it is now publically available at:

Who was involved?

The website was developed by:

Dr Fernando - Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychological Medicine

Dr Fiona Moir - General practitioner

Dr Shailesh Kumar - Psychiatrist

Assistance was provided from the Faculty of Medical and Health Science Learning Technology Unit and the University's Centre for Academic Development.

The site was developed using CourseBuilder, a development tool created by The Centre for Academic Development (CAD) which enables staff to easily create and update web based content.

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