Questions Regarding Access to myEPORTFOLIO
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Why do I need to login?
The myEportfolio space of this website requires you to login. The information that you add and save in myEportfolio is personal to you and will not be disclosed to anyone else.
Who is eligible for an account?
Accounts are available to all FMHS academic staff with a NetID (also known as UPI) and a NetAccount password for accessing Electronic Campus (EC) services. The Eportfolio is also available to FMHS educators who do not have a NetID/UPI and a NetAccount password e.g. clinical teachers who engage in teaching for the FMHS.
There are two types of login, which one should I use?
If you are a University staff member or postgraduate, and you already have a login to University systems, you will already have access to myEportfolio via the University login (EC account) using your NetID/UPI. Click here for details of EC account services.
If you are an affiliated member of the University, for example a clinical teacher, you are able to create your own account by clicking the 'register' link from the login screen.
What is NetID/UPI?
If you are a University staff member or postgraduate you will have a login to University systems that belong to the Electronic Campus (EC). To identify you on these systems you are issued with a NetID or UPI (Unique Person Identifier). Your UPI is four letters taken from your name plus three numbers. Click here for details of NetID and other EC account services.
What if I can't access my account?
Please call the University Call Centre on +64 9 373 7599 ext. 82066 or 0800 61 62 63. UoA staff can also contact the ITS Service Desk on extension 85100.
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